How to fix error 0xc000007b when running Fortnite on Windows 10

If you have downloaded Fortnite on your computer but receive a strange error on startup, then you have reached the indicated post. Later you will learn several effective methods for fix error 0xc000007b when running Fortnite on Windows 10. You just have to try each method until you find the one that works for you.

Methods to fix error 0xc000007b when running Fortnite on Windows 10

Next we will show you a list with the best alternatives to quickly resolve error 0xc000007b while running Fortnite on any of the existing versions of Windows 10.

Restart your computer

In case you just finished installing Fortnite on your computer and receive the error 0xc000007b while running, we recommend that you restart your PC. This can help, as some programs require a full system restore to access the DLL files.

In fact, many programs come with the message or recommendation to “Restart computer after finishing the installation process”, but surely this advice is ignored by most users.

Repeat the installation process

To fix error 0xc000007b, you can also try installing Fortnite completely. This way, the original installer can successfully replace any DLL files that may have failed during the first installation. That is why it is a great alternative for resolve error 0xc000007b while running Fortnite.

Update Windows

If your computer has the latest Windows Update, the chances of getting this error will decrease significantly. To update Windows 10 simply go to the 'Control Panel' section and choose all the updates recommended by the Microsoft team.

How to fix error 0xc000007b when running Fortnite on Windows 10

After installing the updates, remember to restart your computer and run Fortnite again to make sure the error 0xc000007b has been corrected.

Check for Fortnite updates

It is always advisable constantly update video games and apps to fix errors and bugs that prevent us from fully enjoying the experience. Remember that updates are not only used to add new content to applications, as they are usually released by manufacturers to improve versions of games or applications.

In this case, we recommend that you check the option to automatically install the latest version of Fortnite. To do this you need to start Epic Games Launcher and click on the “Settings” option found in the menu. Next you should find the 'Manage games' section which is among the various configuration sections available.

So, you need to check that the option "Allow automatic updates" is activated. This way you won't have to worry about installing updates manually, neither for Fortnite nor for any other game released by Epic Games.

That's why we recommend that you pay attention to the official Epic Games page so that you know what the next updates are and what news they bring.

Other alternatives to fix error 0xc000007b while running Fortnite in Windows 10

Install DirectX again

DirectX is a set of APIs used to develop programs and then updating it can fix the flaws that prevent Fortnite from running. To install the latest version of DirectX you can do it via Windows Update. You can also install it manually, but it will take longer, so it's not the most recommended option.

How to fix error 0xc000007b when running Fortnite on Windows 10

Update Visual C ++

This is the most used computer language when developing apps or game versions compatible with Windows. Also, Visual C ++ resides on the system via libraries that are not necessarily automatically updated. 

In this sense, we recommend that you download the latest version of Visual C ++, as this way you can resolve error 0xc000007b while running Fortnite  on the computer.

You need to check your disk

Finally, you need to keep in mind that one of the reasons you can't run Fortnite is that your drive has some glitches. To check this, enter the 'chkdsk' command as an administrator.

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