How to create a custom list or group of friends on PS4 to play? - Step by step

And, although the functions of the PS4 are simple to use (even the one that allows you to edit videos in ShareFactory is easy to understand), each one takes a series of steps that not everyone knows, and that's why they become imperative. guides like this one.

How to create a custom list or group of friends on PS4?

Now, to get straight to the point that interests you and that you can learn as soon as possible how to create a custom list or group of friends on PS4, the first step you need to do is go to the function screen and there select the "Friends" option.

Then choose the option that appears right there called “Custom Lists”, then click on the “Create List” selection, then choose a name for your friends or group list in question.

It should be noted that no name is out of place, however try to avoid sexual or racist content, because they violate the rules of PS4 users and can earn you a nice Sony ban.

How to create a custom list or group of friends on PS4 to play? - Step by step

When you have finished configuring your name, proceed to choose all the friends you want to add to the list by simply pressing them, once you have them all in. press the "Create list" button, with that everything will be done and your group of friends will be united in a team.

It should be noted that this group can be changed whenever you want and it hai need, simply by going to where your list is and selecting "Edit List". The edition will allow you to delete those users that you no longer want to belong to your group.

To get this deletion process, you need to enter edit mode and highlight the friend who will be expelled, then you need to click the “Options” button and click “Remove from this list”.

How to add friends on PS4?

With the above, you already know how to create a custom list or group of friends on PS4, so now how small extra you will be taught to add friends (in case you didn't already know), so you can build a great list and start doing things like: play competitively, make or broadcast live on Twitch, etc.

If you want to add friends, the first step is to go to the "Friends" tab within the functions (the path is the same as you followed previously), there choose the player you want to add as a friend by looking for him in the following ways:

How to create a custom list or group of friends on PS4 to play? - Step by step

Based on their ID or Player Name, the players you've played and met with, among many other ways (they all appear in the same interface as the Friends screen).

Once you have identified the person you want to send a request to, press the happy emoticon square icon next to the ID itself, this will automatically send your invitation.

And voila, with the last thing you read, you know how create a custom list or group of friends on PS4 and you also learned how to add new friends in case you don't have any at the moment.

So with all this out of the way, now you can focus on finding more relevant information about your PS4, such as: How to pay for PlayStation Now subscription ?, From Sony Official Website.

Or even if you are tired of video games you can find out how to watch videos and movies with the PS4 media player.

Etiquetas Gaming station
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