How to look and know the statistics of the cards in Clash Royale?

How to know the statistics of the cards in Clash Royale?

So that you can quickly answer the initial question about how to know the statistics of the cards in Clash Royale ?, The first thing you need to do is go to your mobile game (which you can download from the PlayStore or the AppleStore). While there, swipe your finger to the left to be taken to the card section.

Before doing anything, it is advisable to change the distribution of the cards to be shown by quality, as this will order them in order of importance from common to legendary and will be easier to navigate.

When you have done this (not required), stand on a card. You will see that you get a blue box called " Information ”Which you can click, do it. This action will show you three tabs, in the first there will be a video demonstration of how the menu works.

How to look and know the statistics of the cards in Clash Royale?

In the second there will be the specific statistics of your selected card, which will be placed as points. In turn, it will also tell you the points the creature will get if you level it up and there will be a box where you can see its quality and name.

Within that same section you will notice that there is the tournament symbol, press it if you want to know the statistics of your card when it is in an event of that type (remember that anyone can create or organize a tournament, as well as join one already created, it is advisable to do this to test the decks without losing cups). Finally, in the final tab there will be a short synopsis or story of the chosen character.

If your letter needs improvement, the information box will not appear but will say " Gets better “, If you give it there you will also be able to see the cards in a normal way as in the previous one.

What are the card stats?

Now that you've read the information above, the original question of How to know the statistics of the cards in Clash Royale? , I have decided, but to give you more knowledge it is time for you to see what the stats are so that you can create the perfect deck in Clash Royale.

Number one is damage, which is obviously what your card hits a tower or an enemy. Then the damage per second would come, followed by the target of said card (if it only attacks structures, other characters, among others), then its life points come and then the radius that the card must attack.

How to look and know the statistics of the cards in Clash Royale?

Finally you have the attack speed (frequency) and speed (this would be the speed at which it moves within the field). These stats are general, but each card can have special characteristics or unique attributes that will be reflected there as well.

With that, you know everything you need to be able to say that you can find Clash Royale card stats and also use them to your advantage in a battle. So the question about How to know the statistics of the cards in Clash Royale ?, it is more than an answer.

Go to your mobile and open it so you can follow the instructions and finally learn what you were looking for so badly. Remember this game is all about strategy, so try to form a deck to help you in every possible situation (also consider the elixir). And if you want to do even more pro, keep in mind how often a new card comes out, so you can change your deck in time.

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