How to disable or remove background music and system sounds from PS4 while playing games?

There is no doubt that Sony's console is the best release on the market in a long time, as it has great features, such as allowing you to edit videos with ShareFactory. However, some of these functions are somewhat annoying, which is why you will see today How to disable or remove background music and sounds from ps4?

And is that, even if it sounds like something silly, sometimes some game sounds can take away the diving of games created with the express purpose of getting into it, which ruins the experience and distorts the game to a great extent.

However, how could it be otherwise, the Sony company on its official website has posted the solution to this problem, which can be solved from the console itself without having to invent too much.

How to disable or remove background music and sounds from ps4?

Now, to get straight to the point and learn as soon as possible how to disable or remove background music and sounds from your PS4, the first thing you need to do is go to the 'Settings' section within your console. This section is represented by a toolbox and is in the same menu.

Once inside this, you will notice that there are several options you can choose from, scroll down until you get the one called "Sound and screen" and press it, soon after you will be sent to another section.

How to disable or remove background music and system sounds from PS4 while playing games?

In it there will be more options, turn off those calls: " Key tone  "And" System music ", with that you will no longer have annoying sounds inside your PS4, as both screen music and control sound.

It should be noted that to return everything, you just need to follow the same steps and reactivate both options. In turn, it should also be said that this process is carried out on the console and not inside the game, in case an annoying noise occurs in the game you will have to disable it from the internal menu of the game.

Other tricks of the Sony console

With the above, you already know how to mute or remove background music and sounds from PS4, of course you can always know more about your Play, how to change PS4 region and country.

As a little extra you should read the following tricks for this console, which can also help you squeeze more juice out of your experience.

The first of these is how to set up your headphones to hear only voice chat (no other noise) or just the sounds of a game. To get one or the other, you need to press the middle button on the remote control, then in the quick menu press «Sound / devices».

How to disable or remove background music and system sounds from PS4 while playing games?

This action will take you to a section with volume options, hit where it says "Headphone output", there choose from the boxes «All audio» to listen to everything, or «Chat only».

Sony App

Another trick you can use is to download the PlayStation mobile app. Very few know this, but Sony has implemented an app for Android and iOS phones, which allows you to do many things from your mobile that affect the console.

Like typing from your mobile phone instead of the remote, making purchases and installing games from remote, check your account trophies and stats, among many other things.

All you have to do to activate it is to download it for free from whatever your Store is and connect it to your Play by entering your PlayStation account, in this way your experience will be much richer than before.

And voila, with this you have learned how to disable or remove background music and sounds from the ps4, and also starts with the knowledge of other useful tricks. The only thing you need to do is go and apply them and of course keep looking for information on your console, like knowing how to change the language of your console and games.

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