How to aim and shoot in Pubg: improves aim and shoots better than others

How to aim and shoot in Pubg: improves aim and shoots better than others

To improve your goal in PUBG it is necessary to take into consideration some factors which we will comment on below. Therefore, if you are new to the game, do not hesitate to read the following information.

Practice your aim in PUBG

In short, the only way to improve your aim in any game is to practice. Having said that, it is better to dedicate a few hours a day to the video game, in order to improve little by little.

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You have to be patient if you are new to shooters, because only with time does dexterity arise. To practice, it is better participate in games, even so, if you miss the level, you can always play with friends. In fact, playing with friends is a great way to improve the game step by step.

However, if you play alone, don't worry, you can improve too, but you will need to be aggressive. By aggressive we mean that you have to look for areas that many players fall into to practice. It can be frustrating, but the only way to improve is consistency.

In turn, mastering how to drop faster and earlier in PUBG is very important for leveling up. On the other hand, sensitivity is crucial for aiming.

Sensitivity of aiming in PUBG and controls

One aspect that newbies don't always take into consideration is the sensitivity to select when playing PUBG. The truth is that this is one of the most relevant aspects to improve your goal, indeed, it is essential.

Choose the right sensitivity it may seem like a daunting task, but it certainly isn't. It should be noted that it is better to have low sensitivities, as they allow for greater accuracy. Either way, fitting is often a complicated process for newbies, but it's all about testing.

You can start with a basic sensitivity and practice, over time you will get used to it. Anyway, the main thing is that you feel comfortable, but at the same time your accuracy is improved.

You can see the sensitivities of your favorite players to establish a foundation, although pros tend to have very low sensitivities. Yes, although it is recommended to have a low sensitivity, it is not entirely necessary to find the own balance.

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Finally, the controls also affect your skills, so you should also find the options you are most comfortable with. This is something particularly important on cell phones, so try different combinations to find the one that works best for you. In turn, knowing where you are shot from in PUBG is important for having more control in the game.

Use Aim Lab and the software to improve your goal

Aim Lab is a program / video game specially designed for improve your aim in shooters. The application is specially designed for this purpose, which is why it has very interesting options that are worth mentioning.

The App has a sensitivity system that adapts to that of other games, in turn its modes are adaptable. In other words, you can configure the software specifically to exercise yours shooting skills in PUBG.

For shooting, we have various skills that should be mastered to improve overall in video games. Aim Lab has these skills covered which are flicking, tracking, speed, accuracy, cognition. Master these factors will improve definitely the your goal in PUBG. You can get Aim lab from Steam, remember that the app is free.

Aim Lab is just one of the many tools to improve your goal, if for some reason you don't like it, you can choose others. Some noteworthy options are: Kovaaks, Aimgod, or Aimtastic. Use Aimlab or some of the previous programs, no doubt these types of tools are useful to greatly improve your goal.

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